Other Activities of the Remote Sensing Laboratory
Other activities of the Laboratory of Remote Sensing are:
is member of EARSeL, EUFAR, MedRIN and si-Cluster Coralia
Provides hardware resources and development support to the OSGeo-Live project
Postgraduate Seminars - Continuing Education Seminars and Workshops
Participation in Interdisciplinary Seminars
Development of the Integrated, Interdepartmental, Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Education and Research Program of the National Technical University of Athens "Environment & Development"
Collaborates and supports the Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center (MIRC) of the NTUA for the Protection and Development of Mountainous Environment and Local European Cultures
Collaborative Organizations/Companies:
Ministry of Agriculture of Greece
Ministry of Development of Greece
Ministry of Education of Greece
Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works of Greece
Ministry of Labour of Greece
Ktimatologio S.A.
Hellenic National Cadastre and Mapping Organization-HECMO
National Hellenic Space Committee
Center of Studies and Research for the Interdisciplinary Approach of Development
National Agriculture Research Foundation of Greece
Municipality of Nikaia
Joint Research Center, EEC, Space Applications Institute, Ispra, Italy
National Organization of Antiseismic Planning and Protection, Greece
Centro Nacional de Informacao Geographica-CNIG, Portugal
Centro di Ricerche e Servizi Avanzati per la Formazione-SCIENTER, Italy
Integrated Information Systems SA, Environmental Studies Unit, established in Greece
Geosys SRL ("GEOSYS"), established in Spain
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Secretaria de Estado de Aguas y Costas, Direccion Tecnica de Analisis Economico y Territorial de Ordenacion de los Recursos Hidricos, established in Spain
Istituto Per l' Ambiente ("ISPAM"), established in Italy
Mountain Forum
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
Geomatics S.A., Greece (Tsivikis D.)
Airphotographic LTD (Gr. Noitsis, P. Boutsoukis)
Collaborative Institutes/Universities:
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
University of Ioannina, Greece
University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Institute for Image Processing and Computer Graphics -DIBAG, Austria
Universite Paul Sabatier, France
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, Centre for Environmental Technology, established in the United Kingdom
Universitat Bremen, Forschungsstelle fur Europaeisches Unweltrecht, established in the Federal Republic of Germany
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Departament de Dret Publici de Ciencies Historico-Juridiques, established in Spain
Universite de Limoges, Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires en Droit de l' Environnement de L' amenagement et de l' Urbanisme, established in France